Teddy in a jumper on a log in the woods

Over the years I've told many stories to kids, these are based on some of them.

During that time the teddys in the story have changed. They started as small ceramic unicorns and have worked their way through many other toys and friends, both real and imagined.

The stories are designed to be read aloud at bed time. How long it takes to read them very much depends on how many questions you get along the way, because there are always questions...

The Birth of Teddy Story

I have been writing down fragments of the stories for a couple of years, sometimes dot points, other times snippets, occasionally chapters and even less frequently, whole stories.

I have also been messing around with web development and databases on and off for most of my adult life.

I don't really count myself as a developer, but I can mostly assemble enough bits to get by. Some very talented and generous people and organisations have made some very good bits freely available for people like me to tinker with. Projects like Teddy Story would not be possible without them.

I have also been fortunate enough to receive funding from the Grant for the Web Spark Program for Teddy Story. Grant for the Web is an initiative by some of the most respected open organisations, aimed at building better business models for the web. Models built on open standards and respect for people's data and privacy.

I'm excited to be involved at such an early stage, both as a technologist and a creator. Grant for the Web has played a big part in bringing Teddy Story to life.

Where to from here?

I have some big plans for Teddy Story, new features for the website, experimenting with different media and storytelling formats, and more stories. When it comes down to it, it's all about the stories in the end.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating them.
